Shedding the Old, Embracing the Infinite

Shedding the Old, Embracing the Infinite

Each of us is a blessing

Our powers and potential stretch far beyond what we have yet begun to imagine. Why? Because we often limit our imagination to what we already know. Now is the time to break beyond those constraints and embrace the infinite possibilities ahead.

As we enter the Year of the Wood Snake, a time of deep transformation and renewal according to the Lunar New Year tradition, one word has surfaced in my thoughts day and night: shedding. The snake teaches us to release what no longer serves us, making room for new growth—an energy that aligns perfectly with the upcoming New Moon in Aquarius, a sign known for innovation and breaking free from limitations.

Take essentialism, for example—the idea that by focusing on what truly matters, we free ourselves from the distractions that drain our energy. Greg McKeown, in his book Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less, explains that the word “priority” was singular until the 1900s, meaning we were meant to have just one main focus. Yet, modern life pressures us to juggle multiple priorities, often at the expense of our well-being.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) also supports this idea, showing that the beliefs we hold about ourselves shape our behaviors and emotions. When we identify and shed limiting beliefs, we create space for more aligned and fulfilling experiences.

I invite you today to take some time for reflection. Here are some questions to guide you:

  • What beliefs about survival and success are you holding onto that may no longer serve you?
  • What habits, commitments, or structures could you shed right now to create a drastic positive shift?
  • What outdated story about yourself could you release today to make space for a more expansive, authentic version of you?

The Wood Snake year encourages us to shed our old skin and embrace transformation. Meditate and journal on these questions, and let me know what you discover! You can DM me on Instagram, comment on my posts, or email me. If you’re ready to dive deeper into your personal transformation, book a coaching session and start your journey of shedding and awakening today.