Lara Land

Self Care Blog

Ancestral Trauma

Ancestral Trauma

As we head into the holiday season, many of us are thinking about our families, where we come from, and maybe even where we are headed.

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Working with Veterans

Working with Veterans

Many of you have likely heard about trauma sensitive yoga by now. You may even have read books on it such as The Body Keeps the Score…

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Developing a Morning Ritual

Developing a Morning Ritual

Much has been written about morning rituals and morning routines and for good reason. How we start the day informs the rest of the day.

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Grief and Grieving

Grief and Grieving

As I’ve been interviewing folks for the Beyond Trauma Podcast, certain topics have come up again and again, reminding me that we are being called at this time..

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Trauma Sensitive Yoga and Yoga Service

Trauma Sensitive Yoga and Yoga Service

In 2011 I opened Land Yoga, a yoga studio in Harlem a historically black community which I was living in. Then a few years later I formed nonprofit Three and a half acres Yoga…

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A Trauma Survivor’s Story

A Trauma Survivor’s Story

D’Angela Albery was born into the cycle of trauma. As a child she witnessed & was the victim of physical, emotional, & sexual abuse that began…

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The teachings are the Guru

The teachings are the Guru

There’s been a lot of controversy in recent years over the role of the teacher in yoga and in other wellness modalities, and rightfully so.

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Crushing Career Goals

Crushing Career Goals

Kids have lots of career goals at age six from the imaginal: mermaids, princesses, and superheroes, to the understandable mom or dad or mom and dad,

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Calling all Yoga Teachers

Calling all Yoga Teachers

In the latest episode of the Beyond Trauma Podcast I interviewed Seane Corn, internationally-acclaimed yoga teacher, Seane Corn, author, and public speaker…

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The Case for Nostril Breathing

The Case for Nostril Breathing

For the many of you who practice Ashtanga yoga, breathing through your nose is a common practice as our core breathing style is Ujjayi Pranayama,

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Oversheduled and Under Rewarded

Oversheduled and Under Rewarded

Are you overscheduled and under rewarded? Do you feel like you are always doing and at the same time nothing is getting done? Do you fantasize about …

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