Lara Land

Self Care Blog

Dress for Success: Halloween as a Spiritual Practice

Dress for Success: Halloween as a Spiritual Practice

“We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.”  -Anais Nin If we want things to change we have to change ourselves. Then, suddenly, the world around us appears different. But how can we change ourselves? First we must become aware that there is an option to...

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The seventh of the eight limbs of yoga is Dhyana, or meditation. This state occurs when Dharana (concentration) is held on the same object for some time. Another way to describe this state is that it is made of a string of back to back moments of concentration linked...

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I can hardly believe we are up to the sixth limb. For over a year now I've been blogging on the limbs and now we have finally reached the final three, known collectively as Samyama. These limbs are the most subtle and internal so I wondered during the year if I'd have...

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Silencing the Cravings: An intro to Pratyahara

Silencing the Cravings: An intro to Pratyahara

You’re listening to an engaging story, desperately trying to weave a thread through a needle, perhaps deep in a daydream.  Whatever it was, we’ve all had the experience of being so in the moment that we fail to hear a siren outside, feel the dog licking our leg, or...

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