I did an Instagram post on New Year urging elimination before goal setting and I wanted to share more about that. In some ways, it’s very simple. Most people, however, miss this step when trying to conjure something new in their lives. You need space before anything new can come. The first step to achieving your goals or manifesting your dreams is getting rid of something else.

Categories to consider eliminating from include:

  • Thoughts / thought patterns / emotional crutches
  • Physical items / Clutter
  • Unnecessary activities
  • Draining / Unhealthy relationships
  • Old, no longer useful rituals/practices

Once you decide which category you want to start with asking yourself these questions:

  1. What is unnecessary in this category?
  2. What is bringing me down or distracting me from my deeper purpose?
  3. What if I chose to let go of it would make significant room in my life / open things up?
  4. What am I holding on to because it helped me so much in the past, not because it’s helping me now?

Pick one manageable but impactful thing to release based on your answers to these questions and write it down.

Now you are ready to do the work.
To release an unwanted element in your life:

  1. Identify how that element has been serving you. There is some way it has!
  2. Thank it for what it’s done for you.
  3. Recognize both the payoff you’ve been receiving for holding onto it even though it’s no longer serving and the payoff you will get for letting it go.
  4. Get clear on what will replace the element you are eliminating. (That vacuum will be filled by something, so choose for yourself before it’s chosen for you.)
  5. Make a plan for slowly replacing the element you release with the newness you are summoning.
  6. Expect setbacks. Greet them with compassion and understand. Make your agreements to self small and doable to reinforce your self-belief and ability to change.


Want to go more deeply into resolution and long-lasting change? Grab your copy of My Bliss Book now from my site or Amazon and enter your email for the special My Bliss Book coaching program. My Bliss Bookers will be the first to receive the link for my FREE webinar February 1st 12 pm on the 5 Simple Things You Can Do this Year to Make Your Resolutions Last.